Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good News!

Stumbled across this article at The Rap Basement:

"iTunes is already offering over 8 million songs DRM-free and by March it hopes to release another 2 million more, rounding out it's entire 10 million song catalog. "

Yeah, yeah, yeah. More importantly:

"Apple also says that it will have a new pricing system for iTunes coming in April. The new system will offer older songs for $0.69 (opposed to the current $0.99 price tag) but new songs will continue to be $0.99 plus new Billboard hits will actually be higher with a $1.29 bill."

Billboard hits are more expensive, new songs are no longer the lowest price, starting in April. Maybe people will start to do some music exploration, moving away from the top 40, to save some cash. Doubt iTunes has that much influence though. It's a step in the right direction perhaps? Whatever. I'm happy about it. 69 cents a song is sweet. Guess I'll have to pay a little extra for those Katy Perry jams, damn.

I'm sure apple news has a wee bit more extensive article if you care to read more. But you can go find that one on your own. I'm content with this.

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